Just wrote:

SciPy indeed appear to contain a solver, but I'm currently stuck in trying to _get_ it for my platform (OSX). I'm definitely not going to install a Fortran compiler just to evaluate it (even though my name is not "Ilias" ;-). Also, SciPy is _huge_, so maybe a Python translation of that Fortran code or your Perl code will turn out to be more attractive after all...


The GNU Scientific Library has a nice root finder for polynomials with real coefficients. I have wrapped this with Pyrex to work with my ratfun module see:


If this will suit your needs, I can send you an alpha release of the package with the root finder. It is not pure Python. I requires Pyrex and a C compiler to install. My guess is that it will work on OSX as well as it does on Linux. This functionality will be included in the next release of the ratfun package but I still have to unit test a number of components and update the documentation. Consequently, an official release will not happen soon.


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