On 2005-02-26, Paul Rubin <http> wrote:
> Jorgen Grahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> You should probably do what some other poster suggested -- download
>> lynx or some other text-only browser and make your code execute it
>> in -dump mode to get the text-formatted html. You'll get that
>> working in an hour or so, and then you can see if you need something
>> more complicated.
> Lynx is pathetically slow for large files.

First, make it work.  Then make it work right.  Then worry
about how fast it is.  

"Premature optimization..."

> It seems to use a quadratic algorithm for remembering where
> the links point, or something.  I wrote a very crude but very
> fast renderer in C that I can post if someone wants it, which
> is what I use for this purpose.

If lynx really is too slow, try w3m or links.  Both do a better
job of rendering anyway.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I know how to do
                                  at               SPECIAL EFFECTS!!

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