IamIan wrote:
> Thank you very much! That did it.
> In the source XML <item> tags have rdf:about attributes with the link
> to the story, and it was here I planned on grabbing the link and
> matching it up with the <title> child text. After seeing the output of
> elmenttree's getiterator() though, it now looks like each item, title,
> description, and link is a separate element...
> I could use a dictionary or lists to match the first title to the
> first link, but is there a more elegant way in elementtree (or
> otherwise) to do this?

You can iterate over the channel Elements and then select the title child
(el.find()) to see if it's interesting.

You can also try lxml.etree, which supports XPath:

   >>> from lxml import etree
   >>> find_channel = etree.XPath("//channel[title = $title]")

   >>> tree = etree.parse("http://somewhere/the_document.xml";)
   >>> channel = find_channel(tree, title="example title")

   >>> print channel.findtext("link")

or lxml.objectify:

   >>> from lxml import etree, objectify
   >>> find_channel = etree.XPath("//channel[title = $title]")

   >>> tree = objectify.parse("http://somewhere/the_document.xml";)
   >>> channel = find_channel(tree, title="example title")

   >>> print channel.title, channel.link



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