Russ a écrit :
>> Pre and post conditions applying to the class ? Now that's an
>> interesting concept. IIRC, Eiffels pre and post conditions only apply to
>> methods, and I fail to see how they could apply to a class. But since
>> you're an expert on the subject, I don't doubt you'll enlighten us ?
> I made a simple mistake. Excuse me. Oh wait ... aren't you one of the
> sensitivity police who
> laid into me for criticizing someone else. 

Nope, I'm one of the regular citizens here that tried to make you 
realize you were acting as an arrogant clueless newbie.

> For the record, the guy I
> criticized
> made ridiculous assertions about DBC.

For the record, the guy you treaded as he was a retarted knows much more 
than you about both Python and DbC. Thinking that someone is "ignorant" 
or "ridiculous" because he does not happen to share your opinions on 
some subject is certainly not what's I'd call an intelligent, civilized, 
  respectful attitude.

>  All I did was to make a simple
> mistake about
> an inconsequential matter.

All you did was persisting on being arrogant while showing your lack of 
knowledge on both Python and DbC.

> No, pre and post conditions obviously don't
> apply to classes,
> but all I said was that that's how it appeared to me "at first
> glance."
> If you are upset about my criticism of one of your colleagues, please
> tell him to quite making
> outrageous assertions about something he obviously knows little about.

I'm not upset. I'm actually trying to help you realizing the dumbness of 
your attitude. But I'm afraid this is going to be a lost cause...

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