On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 14:03:48 +0200, Adam Kubica wrote:

> Hello.
> I have pylons 0.96 (SVN) and current SQLAlchemy (0.3.10), and I have bug
> that
> doesn't exist earlier.
> My connection code:
> <code>
> import sqlalchemy.mods.threadlocal
> from sqlalchemy import DynamicMetaData, objectstore
> metadata = DynamicMetaData( case_sensitive = False )
> def db_connect( dsn ):
>     engine = create_engine( dsn, echo=False, echo_pool=False,
> encoding='latin2',  convert_unicode=True )
>     metadata.connect( engine )
> </code>
> command "netstat -an|grep 5432|grep ESTABLISHED|wc -l" displays one
> more connection after each refresh of page until I have exceptions
> such as:
> sqlalchemy.exceptions.DBAPIError: (Connection failed)
> (OperationalError) FATAL: sorry, too many clients already
> What is wrong?

Don't use DynamicMetaData(), use MetaData(), it's the problem.

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