On 2007-08-31, Lawrence D'Oliveiro
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Neil
> Cerutti wrote:
>> Keeping in mind which came first, isn't it at least as
>> accurate to attribute this problem to Python's choice of
>> escape character?
> No, it's Microsoft's fault. The use of backslash as an escape
> character goes back to Unix systems in the early 1970s--long
> before Microsoft came on the scene.
> When Microsoft introduced MS-DOS 1.0 in 1981, it didn't have
> directory hierarchies. Commands used the slash character to
> delimit options. Then when MS-DOS 2.0 introduced subdirectories
> in 1983, they decided they couldn't use the slash as the path
> separator, so they used the backslash instead. That has been a
> source of confusion ever since then.

Going back and checking the Python History page, it seems I was
off by four years with when I thought Python was first released
(I was thinking 1995, when the first release was actually 1991).
That makes Python's choice of escape character way more practical
than I thought, since Microsoft hadn't yet conquered the desktop
computing world when Python was in it's infancy.

That strange whirring sound is me backpedaling furiously. Thanks
very much for all your patiences.

Neil Cerutti
If you throw at someone's head, it's very dangerous, because in the head is
the brain. --Pudge Rodriguez

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