> On Aug 31, 6:14 pm, Alexandre Badez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Aug 30, 11:35 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> I have an object and wish to set an attribute on it which,
>>> unfortunately for me, is read-only.
>>> How can I go about this?
>>> Cheers.
>>> -T
>> Could you show the object you want to set his attribute?
>> Until that, it's difficult to answer to you.
>> PS: If the attribut is on read only, their must a good reason for
>> that ;)
> Hi all,
> Thanks for all the responses. What I'm trying to do is kludge around
> something. sys.settrace takes a method whose arguments are (frame,
> event, arg). I want to have a tracer class which can be instantiated
> and listen in on these trace calls.
> Another way to go about it *might* be to have a module-level list of
> registered Tracer objects which a module-level trace method informs of
> events. It would probably be easier. In fact, I'll go do that.
> *That said*, I still think it makes sense to be able to have objects
> register with sys.settrace.
> So what I did then was declare a static method with the same pattern
> expected by sys.settrace. I then want to use something like __dict__
> or __setattr__ to give that method a reference to the owning object.
> And this is what I'm trying to do -- declare a static method, then "un-
> static it" by adding a reference to the callable object...
> Here's some code:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> import sys
> class Tracer:
>     '''
>     Instantiate this in order to access program trace information.
>     '''
>     def _getcallback(self):
>         @staticmethod
>         def callback(frame, event, arg):
>             print "tracing ...", tracerReference
>             #print "line ", frame.f_lineno, frame.f_locals
>         return callback
>     def startTrace(self):
>         callback = self._getcallback()
>         callback.__dict__['tracerReference'] = self
>         sys.settrace(callback)
> def foo(dict):
>     for i in range(2):
>         pass
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     t = Tracer()
>     t.startTrace()
>     foo({1 : 5})
Surely the thing to do, if I understand you, is to declare callback as a 
standard method and then pass a reference to a bound method (the most 
obvious candidate being self.callback) to sys.settrace().

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/Projects/Python
$ cat test05.py
import sys

class Tracer:
     Instantiate this in order to access program trace information.


     def callback(self, frame, event, arg):
         print "tracing ...", self
         print "line ", frame.f_lineno, frame.f_locals

     def startTrace(self):

def foo(dict):
     for i in range(2):

if __name__ == "__main__":
     t = Tracer()
     foo({1 : 5})

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/Projects/Python
$ python test05.py
tracing ... <__main__.Tracer instance at 0x7ff2514c>
line  19 {'dict': {1: 5}}

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/Projects/Python

Does this do what you want?

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