Jeffrey Barish wrote:
> Robert Kern wrote:
>> Ivan Voras wrote:
>>> Jeffrey Barish wrote:
>>>> If you take the difference between two uniformly distributed random
>>>> variables, the probability density function forms an isosceles triangle
>>>> centered at 0.  Take the absolute value of that variable and the pdf is
>>>> a
>>>> straight line with maximum value at 0 tapering to 0 at max.  Thus,
>>>> z = abs(randint(0, max) - randint(0, max))
>>>> ought to do the trick.
>>> It's elegant :)
>>> I've noticed something interesting in my test: the value 0 appears less
>>> often than other values (which behave as they should).
>> The distribution of the difference (before the abs()) looks like this
>> (max=4):
>>     #
>>    ###
>>   #####
>>  #######
>>  ---0+++
>>  321 123
>> Taking the absolute value doubles up the non-zero masses, but there's no
>> "negative 0" to add to the 0s stack.
>>   #
>>   #
>>  ###
>>  ###
>>  ####
>>  ####
>>  0123
>> The method does not work because of that.
> The math says that it works, so we must not be implementing it correctly. 

"The math" says nothing of the kind about the method that was stated.

> I
> suspect that our mistake is quantizing the random variable first and then
> taking the difference and absolute value.  What result do you get when you
> quantize once?  That is, obtain two random values (floats) with uniform
> pdf.  Take the difference.  Abs. Round to int.  This way, everything in the
> band from (-0.5, +0.5) goes to 0, and that's the highest part of the
> triangle.

That's a very different "it". The difference is not just implementation.

If you change "round" to "truncate", that method should work, though.

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco


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