On 2007-09-01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>> So for lack of a delaunay module, I'm stuck trying to port my
>>>> application to Win32.
>>> Why not run it under Cygwin? :)
>> I'm hoping there is an easier way than trying to build a
>> half-dozen large Python extensions (and their supporting
>> libraries) under Cygwin.
> Well, that's what Cygwin is for -- to make it easy to do that.

I know that's its intent.  In my experience it doesn't succeed
very well. I've spent years supporting a set of development
tools under both Cygwin and Linux.  The Cygwin versions are a
continuous pain for everybody involved.

> What's not working?

I have never tried to run my application under Cygwin.

AFAICT, many of the Python packages I use aren't available as
packages for Cygwin, and I don't really want to spend the time
trying to build and maintain them.

My experiences building things from source in Cygwin haven't
been good in the past, and I have zero experience bundling up
Cygwin-hosted applications for delivery.

I have used an application suite under Windows that comprised
Cygwin apps and a bundled Cygwin installation, and it was a
total distaster.  Perhaps that was just a singularly bad
example, but it sure made it seem like using Cygwin as a
platform for delivering Windows applications was a bad idea.

> I'm also not clear what your problem is with Delny with qhull
> under Windows.

I wasn't able to find a copy of Delny and qhull library for
Windows.  I did find postings asking where one could be found.
Those postings went unanswered.

> What errors have you gotten?
> All the tests pass for me.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Alright,
                                  at               you!! Imitate a WOUNDED
                               visi.com            SEAL pleading for a PARKING

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