
Sorry if the subject line of post is wrong, but I think that is what
this is called. I want to create objects with

class Coconuts(object):
    def __init__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
      self.a = a
      self.b = b

def spam( l )
   return Coconuts( l.a, l.b, l.attributes )

l in a parse line of a file which is a tuple wrapped with
attrcol......with attributes a, b and attributes (which is a list of
strings in the format key=value ie...
       [ "id=bar", "test=1234", "doh=qwerty" ]  ).

I want to add attributes to Coconuts so that I can do
print c.id, c.test, c.doh

HOwever I m not sure how to do this:

how can i assign args, kwargs within the constructor of coconuts and
how can I deconstruct the list to form the correct syntax to be able
to be used for args, kwargs.

HOpe this makes sense,

Thanks in advance,


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