> On Sep 4, 3:20 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
>>>Thanks guys
>>>I have a list of lists such as
>>> a = ["1" , "2"]  b = ["4", "5", "6"]  c = ["7",8", "9"]
>>>Stored in another list: d = [a,b,c]
>>>I know this makes me sound very stupid but how would I specify
>>>in the parameter the inner lists without having to write them all out
>>>such as:
>>>for row in izip_longest(d[0], d[1], d[2], fillvalue='*'):
>>>    print ', '.join(row)
>>>i.e. How could I do the following if I didn't know how many list of
>>>lists I had.
>>for row in izip_longest(*d, fillvalue='*'):
>>     print ', '.join(row)
> I thought that but when I tried it I recieved a
> "Syntax Error: Invalid Syntax"
> with a ^ pointing to fillvalue :S
Yes, sorry - answered too fast, which is a cardinal sin. The 
func(*sequence) is of course the right answer, but indeed you cannot 
directly pass a keyword arg after it - you must either pass the keyword 
args first:

   izip_longest(fillvalue='*', *d)

or wrap it in a dict and use the ** notation:

   izip_longest(*d, **dict(fillvalue='*'))

In this case, the second solution only makes sens if you already have 
this dict for other reasons.

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