John Nagle  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    Tried putting this in the .htaccess file:
><Files *.fcgi>
>SetHandler fcgid-script
>Options ExecCGI
>allow from all
><Files *.foo>
>ErrorDocument 403 "File type not supported."
>     Even with that, a ".foo" file gets executed as a CGI script,
>and so does a ".fcgi" file.  It's an Apache configuration problem.

I'd look to see if you've got a AllowOverride None set somewhere
unhelpful (probably on the cgi-bin directory, although I note the
default Apache2 config on my machine here does it for the document
root too). Mind you, if you're managing this with a web tool rather
than having access to the Apache config files, it might not be so
straightforward to do.

   "Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other"
        -- Arthur C. Clarke
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