Hello, trying to get UpToSpeed with a cross-platform application that
would mimic capabilities like Microsoft Project. Playing around with
code is what works for me. Searching is a mangled process, i.e. I've
banged around terms like: "project", "scheduler", "class scheduler",
"student calendar" ... and on and on. Python descriptions / howtos /
tutorials / documentations have used most of the search terms I can
think of define Python's nuts and bolts. Web research of my quest is
not getting me to any examples I want to see. Really, lang.java: class
scheduler brings up my "ms project" mimic concept for java code. I
want to try Python and pythonic coding.

I want code that would list job tasks in a work-week grid and
ultimately drag a block of text to a new location within that week
scheduler if changes were needed. I anticipate XML for my database,
which is what lead me to Python.

Thanks, if somebody out there can offer pointer(s) to an example(s).


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