On Sun, 09 Sep 2007 17:16:05 +1200, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

> The one thing I don't like about Python syntax is using backslashes to
> continue lines. Yes, you can avoid them if you can include parentheses
> somehow, but this isn't always possible.
> Possible:
> […]
> Not possible:
>     for \
>         Link \
>     in \
>         GetEachRecord \
>           (
>             "links",
>             ("from_episode",),
>             "to_episode = %s",
>             [EpisodeID],
>             "order by when_created"
>           ) \
>     :
>         out.write \
>           (
>                 "<P><A HREF=\"%s\">Back to episode %d</A>\n"
>             %
>                 (
>                     LinkToMe({"ep" : Link["from_episode"]}),
>                     Link["from_episode"]
>                 )
>           )
>     #end for

What do you mean by not possible!?  This compiles fine for me.

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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