On Sep 11, 12:42 pm, Zentrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip>
> What is it about "please do not top-post" that you have difficulty
> understanding? Or do "MVP"s feel that their time is so much more
> valuable than anyone else's that they are free to ignore the norms?
> Who made this the norm?


If you don't know what the IETF is, or what an RFC is, you should
educate yourself.
http://www.ietf.org/glossary.html#IETF is a good place to start.

>                           In my travels through web-land, it appears to

Usenet is not "web-land".  And it is not Google Groups, either.  Look
http://www.faqs.org/faqs/usenet/welcome/part1/ for more info

> be the opposite.  Don't waste space repeating everything in every
> post, and it wastes everyone's time by have to go over the same thing
> again and again.  Perhaps this thread has a purpose after all, anyway
> it has been reported as spam.

You have much to learn.




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