
I'm trying to use the C API to extend Python. I've looked at various books
and web sites (including the docs at python.org) and I can't get any of the
samples to work. Below is a very minimalist example that I'm trying to get
working and I was wondering if someone could tell me where I'm going wrong.
It's probably something very obvious to those familiar with this technique.

#include "Python.h"

int GetInt(int iVal)
    return iVal;

char* GetString(void)
    return "This is the message";

PyObject* gtestmodule_GetInt(PyObject* pSelf, PyObject* pArgs)
    int x = 0;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &x))
        return NULL;
    return PyBuildValue("i", x);

PyObject* gtestmodule_GetString(PyObject* pSelf, PyObject* pArgs)
    char* szMsg = GetString();
    return PyBuildValue("s", szMsg);

static PyMethodDef gtestmoduleMethods[] =
    {"GetInt", gtestmodule_GetInt, METH_VARARGS, "Description goes here"},
    {"GetString", gtestmodule_GetString, METH_VARARGS, "Description goes
    {NULL, NULL}

from distutils.core import setup, Extension
setup(name = "gtestmodule",
      version = "1.0",
      maintainer = "thierry masson",
      maintainer_email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
      description = "test module",
      ext_modules = [Extension("gtestmodule",["gtestmodule.c"])],

import gtestmodule
print gtestmodule.GetInt(36);
print gtestmodule.GetString();

The setup script builds the library OK, and I've verified that
gtestmodule.so is getting created. But when I try to run a test script (
test.py, above) that uses the library, I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 2, in ?
    import gtestmodule
ImportError: ./gtestmodule.so: undefined symbol: PyBuildValue

The OS is Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon Update 8), and the
Python version is 2.2.3 (rather old, I know, but I don't control the server
environment and my sysadmin tells me this is the most recent version of
Python officially supported by Red Hat.

Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?



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