On Sep 14, 9:49 pm, Paddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lets say i have a generator running that generates successive
> characters of a 'string'>From what I know, if I want to do a regexp search 
> for a pattern of
> characters then I would have to 'freeze' the generator  and pass the
> characters so far to re.search.
> It is expensive to create successive characters, but caching could be
> used for past characters. is it possible to wrap the generator in a
> class, possibly inheriting from string, that would allow the regexp
> searching of the string but without terminating the generator? In
> other words duck typing for the usual string object needed by
> re.search?
> - Paddy.

There seems to be no way of breaking into the re library accessing
characters from the string:

>>> class S(str):
...     def __getitem__(self, *a):
...             print "getitem:",a
...             return str.__getitem__(self, *a)
...     def __get__(self, *a):
...             print "get:",a
...             return str.__get__(self, *a)
>>> s = S('sdasd')
>>> m = re.search('as', s); m.span()
(2, 4)
>>> m = sre.search('as', s); m.span()
(2, 4)
>>> class A(array.array):
...     def __getitem__(self, *a):
...             print "getitem:",a
...             return str.__getitem__(self, *a)
...     def __get__(self, *a):
...             print "get:",a
...             return str.__get__(self, *a)
>>> s = A('c','sdasd')
>>> m = re.search('as', s); m.span()
(2, 4)
>>> m = sre.search('as', s); m.span()
(2, 4)

- Paddy.


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