Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:00:02 +0200, Stefan Arentz wrote:
>> What I find really frustrating in Python (combined with usually bad
>> documentation) is that many people have different styles. The most
>> frustratinng being getFoo() vs .foo, vs get_foo().
> `getFoo()` is discouraged by PEP 8.  You don't have the choice between
> `.foo` and `.get_foo()` in Java because Java has no properties and people
> are trained to write getters and setters for everything.  I like that
> choice in Python because I can write shorter code that is not cluttered
> with very simple getters and setters.
> Ciao,
>       Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
Perhaps PEP 8 needs rethinking.  I prefer getFoo().
Similarly, I feel that the standard indent of 4 increases the 
likelihood of running off the end of a line.  An indent of 1 isn't 
quite clear visually, but 2 is.

Colin W.


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