Erik Jones a écrit :
> On Sep 14, 2007, at 11:54 PM, David Trudgett wrote:
>> TheFlyingDutchman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Several languages use the "object.method(args)" form, which is  syntactic
>> sugar for "method(object, other_args)" which Ada, for instance, uses.
>> Knowing this clears up half the confusion (the object /is/ passed as a
>> parameter whichever syntax is used).
>> The other half of the confusion is cleared up by considering that
>> Python methods are ordinary functions that don't magically "know" in
>> which "class" context they are executing: they must be told via the
>> first parameter.
> Yes, that is really the crux of the issue, though.  While the former  
> may be syntactic sugar for the latter, once any syntactic sugar has  
> become prevalent enough, it becomes the expected norm 

Being "the expected norm" is not enough to qualify has "being the right 
thing to do".

> and the latter  
> becomes clutter or, at best, awkward.

Until you want to dynamically add some generic function taking an object 
as first arg as a method of a class or instance. Exposing most of the 
inner working of it's object model is one of the greatest strength of 
Python. And that's one of the reasons I (and probably other people here) 
  like this language.

>  It's something that really  just 
> takes a little use until you get to the point where you don't  usually 
> think of it but, every so often, the thought creeps in.  I'm  not 
> complaining, just pointing out if you step out of this particular  box, 
> you'll realize that it really is a pointless one.  Saying,  "because 
> that's how Python does it" may be the only valid reason, but  that 
> argument is about on par with a six year old's "just because...".

If you really think the only rationale for this is "just because", then 
you're missing something IMHO.

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