I'm looking for an example with canvas that produces, say, a complete x-y plot of some data. By that I mean, it should do something like the following:
1. Produce x-y axes. The x-axis should be blue and the y-axis should be green 2. Put a label on each axis (vertical and horizontal text) 3. Plot some data (3 points is enough) and connect the points with a dashed line. Color one line red and the other green. 4. Position a title at some arbitrary place inside the x-y axes. That is, not just a title above and outside the top of the x-y area. I just want to see how it's done. I'm not interested in a full-blown canned class or widget that does an x-y plot given some data. If not exactly the above, then something like it that gives me some idea of how to do such a graph. Maybe there's a tutorial that does something like this as an example. -- Wayne Watson (Nevada City, CA) Web Page: <speckledwithStars.net> -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list