On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 18:02:59 -0400, Lew wrote:

> Summercool wrote:
>> when a writing or a book reads "a is a Hash object; a is an Array
>> object; or a is an Animal object" it is just a short form to say that
>> "a is a reference to that object."
>> b = a means "whatever a is referencing to, now b is referencing it
>> too".
>> so that's why  a[1] = "foobar"  will change what b will display, but a
>> = "foobar" will not change what b will display.
> You can't do both in Java.  Is a an array or a String?  If a is a String
> and b is an array, then neither `a = b' nor `b = a' will compile in
> Java.
> Java is a strongly-typed, compiled language which means it does more
> static type checking and thus would reject treating a as both an array
> and a String.
>   In that environment the programmer must choose one or the other.

In this Java example, a and b are statically typed to be of type Object. 
Both Strings and Arrays descend from Object. (And primatives like 
integers and the like will be autoboxed into descendants of Object).

Ken Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.

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