Ron Adam a écrit :
> TheFlyingDutchman wrote:
>> I am not talking about the way it does it, but rather, the way it
>> could do it or... could have done it. That requires no knowledge of
>> how the interpreter currently does it unless I am proposing something
>> that no interpreter in the world could ever do.
> So if you can find a way to do things like removing self in python in 
> such a way that it doesn't require adding more to the Core interpreter, 
> then it might be considered.

By who ? As far as I'm concerned, I don't want 'self' to be removed, and 
I'm probably not the only one here.

> What I've found is as my skills improve, I take more advantage of being 
> able to modify and/or introspect how things work.  This allows more 
> choices on how I might solve a particular problem.

The changes required by removing self would make most of this either 
painfull or near impossible AFAICT.

> I also think there a lots of improvements that could be made to other 
> parts of python such as the libraries that would be of much more 
> practical benefit.



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