Jd wrote:
> Steve Holden wrote:
>> Jd wrote:
>>> Hi
>>>    I have a multi-threaded application. For certain operations to the
>>> server, I would like to explicitly set timeout so that I get correct
>>> status from the call and not timed out exception.
>>>    Does anyone know how to go about doing it ?
>> The easiest way is to use socket.setdefaulttimeout() to establish a
>> longer timeout period for all sockets, I guess. It's difficult to
>> establish different timeouts for individual sockets when they aren't
>> opened directly by your own code (though each socket does also have a
>> method to set its timeout period).
>> regards
>>  Steve
> Ya.. the problem here is that I donot have acces to the socket. I have
> written my own transport etc.. but when the socket is getting created,
> there is no context for the method and where I know what method I am
> going to call, I do not have access to socket.
But you are writing Python, so you can write

import socket

and this will apply to all sockets that on't have their own explicit 
timeouts applied. Give it a try.

> I would have thought this to be an easy thing to achieve. In order to
> make xml-rpc easy to use.. it has become difficult to control.
You might also ask why your server *is* timing out. Timeouts shouldn't 
be a normal feature of TCP communications. Is there a reason of rthis 
anomalous behavior, or are you perhaps trying to solve the wrong problem?

> Anyone have any other ideas ?
That's all from me!

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd           http://www.holdenweb.com
Skype: holdenweb      http://del.icio.us/steve.holden

Sorry, the dog ate my .sigline


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