On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 13:42:05 +0200, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

> jonny wrote:
>> <rules>
>>    <rule01>
>>       <if>
>> <or>
>> <lessthan par_1="glicemyAtMorning" par_2="80"/>
>> <lessthan par_1="glicemyAtNight" par_2="80"/>
>> <and>
>> <greaterthan par_1="glicemyAtMorning" par_2="0"/>
>> <or>
>> <equalto par_1="urine" par_2="0"/>
>> <equalto par_1="urine" par_2="+/-"/>
>> <equalto par_1="urine" par_2="+"/>
>> </or>
>> </and>
>> </or>
>> </if>
>>         <then>
>>            <sendmessage>Something is wrong!</sendmessage>
>>         </then>
>>    </rule01>
>>    <rule02> ...  </rule02>
>>    <rule03> ...   </rule03>
>> </rules>
>> […]
> […]
> Just a note: the use of "par_X" as attributes is unfortunate, to say the
> least. It doesn't allow for easy argument swapping, can cause troubles
> because you delete one attribute and miss renaming the others, and in
> general it's not good design to have arbitrary numbers of parameters.

Quite the same is true for numbers in tag names.  If you (the OP) need to
number the rules better use an attribute for the numbers.

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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