On Sep 25, 10:53 am, Mark Summerfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> Below is a PEP proposal for a sorteddict. It arises out of a
> discussion on this list that began a few weeks ago with the subject of
> "An ordered dictionary for the Python library?", and a similar one on
> the P3K mailing list with the subject "ordered dict for p3k
> collections?".
> If there is positive feedback I will submit the PEP to the reviewers,
> so if you think it is a good idea please say so. (I'm sure that if you
> _don't_ like it you'll tell me anyway:-)

I can't see much advantage over:

  for key in sorted(mydict):

A much simpler data-structure, that is also very useful, is a
dictionary that keeps insertion order -- it's also something that's a
tad bit more difficult to implement yourself than the above. My
personal implementation is documented at 
It's very tempting to add value access by numerical index (I did as
well), however I now think it's a mistake.

-1 from me.

-- bjorn


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