On 2007-09-26, Jason M Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Off the top of my head, I can think of a few vim commands that
> have come in handy.  I can search through a webpage in Firefox
> by using the same '/' search command that vim has.  The
> movement keys (h,j,k,l) are the same as in any paging program
> I've ever used.  Not to mention that I learned regexes by
> learning 's/regex/replacement' first :-)

Yup. A huge advantge of learning vi is how much it helps improve
your nethack experience. ;) Ignorance was Emacs was an obstacle I
had to overcome in order to get into the Lisp world, though.

> That's my religion anyway ;-), but I thought this was a python
> mailing list ;-)

Vim has Python integration if you want to control it with Python
scripts. Cool! Of course, Vim needs such a capability more than
Emacs, which has the very cool elisp scripting language. I'm not
so keen on Vim's built-in scripting language.

Neil Cerutti

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