Yes, use PythonInputFilter directive to specify an input filter.

Input filters which modify the length of the data may be an issue
though when doing proxying however.

If you cant work it out, possibly more appropriate to take your
questions to the official mod_python mailing list referenced on the
mod_python site.


On Sep 27, 9:26 pm, David Sánchez Martín <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
>   I've seen the message below in this python list, that seems to be
> unanswered.
>   I'm trying to do the pretty same thing.
>   There's a way to preprocess the request with a mod_python handler and then
> proxying it with mod_proxy?
>   Thank you very much in advance, and sorry for trying to revive such an old
> message.
> Cheers.
> >whale whale at
> >Tue Mar 25 05:49:42 CET 2003
> >I use Apache2.0.44 and mod_python3.0.1.
> >I add ProxyPass and PythonHandler directives in httpd.conf
> >## httpd.conf
> >ProxyPass  /test/
> >ProxyPassReverse  /test/
> ><Location />
> >    AddHandler python-program .htm .html
> >    PythonHandler mptest
> ></Location>
> >And
> >from mod_python import apache
> >def handler(req):
> >    req.write('Hello!!')
> >    return apache.OK
> >ex. My apache server
> >When I browsed the local server request(ex.
> >,
> >I received 'Hello!!' response, the python handler worked well.
> >But when I browse the proxy request(ex.
> >,
> >the response I received is the original content of
> >, not 'Hello!!'.
> >The proxy requests didn't seem to be processed by mod_python handler.
> >How could I pre-process the proxy request before mod_proxy module?
> >Thanks a lot!!
> ---
> David Sanchez Martin
> Administrador de Sistemas
> GPG Key ID: 0x37E7AC1F
> E2000 Nuevas Tecnologías
> Tel : +34 902 19 61 77
>  David Sánchez Martín.vcf
> 1KDownload
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