
Le mardi 1 Mars 2005 22:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
> Now I don't know this stuff very well but I dont think the code
> > [line for line in document if (line.find('word') != -1 \
> >         and line.find('wordtwo') != -1)]
> would do this as it answers the question in how you thought I asked.

Just use "or" instead of "and" and you'll get what you need.

> var1 = "this is a test\nand another test"
> [line for line in var1 if line.find('t') != -1]

You are scanning the letters in the string.
You first need to split your input into lines, in order to scan over strings 
in a list of strings. Use :

var1 = "this is a test\nand another test"
[line for line in var1.splitlines() if line.find('t') != -1]

> for line in iWordsMatch(data, "microsoft", "windows")

Same as above. Use:

for line in iWordsMatch(data.splitlines(), "microsoft", "windows")

Why Microsoft and Windows ? I am very pleased to see that Microsoft Windows is 
now used instead of foo bar.



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