Vyacheslav Maslov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I understand your opinion

Hopefully you mean "explanation", not "opinion". I gave what appear to
me to be facts, not opinion, about the definition of a unit test.

> you are right, i use unit tests for some other kind of work.

More accurately: you use the Python 'unittest' framework for some
tests that are not unit tests.

> But anyway it works and produce good results for project.

Indeed, there's nothing wrong with using the module this way. The only
trouble in this case is confused terminology, that has led you to
believe the module is deficient, when actually it's doing the job it's
meant to do.

> Thanks i will look into this.

Glad to help.

 \     "Holy uncanny photographic mental processes, Batman!"  -- Robin |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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