I started creating a simple "bits" class, intended to act like a array
of bits. This was my initial idea, basically just overriding the
string representation to display the bitmask (so far):

class bits(long):
    def __str__ (self):
        s = ''
        if self == 0L:
            s += '-'
            x = self
            while x >= 1:
                if x & 1L: s = '#' + s
                else:      s = '-' + s
                x >>= 1
        return s

My thought was this will act like a Long, and so should act like an
array of bits with arbitrary precision, supporting the standard
bitwise operations, along with others I may add.

>>> import bits
>>> b = bits.bits(32)
>>> b
>>> print b
>>> b = bits.bits(35)
>>> print b
>>> b = bits.bits(36)
>>> print b
>>> b <<= 1
>>> print b

So obviously when I attempt a bitwise operation (ex. b <<= 1), b is
being assigned the result of b << 1, which is a Long.

>>> b = bits.bits(36)
>>> type(b)
<class 'bits.bits'>
>>> type (b << 1)
<type 'long'>

Is there any way around this without reimplementing all of the bitwise
operators? It's not the biggest deal to reimplement the operators, but
it kind of defeats the benefit of inheriting from an integer type.

If there isn't a way around this, then I am curious in what situations
it would be beneficial to inherit from an int or long. This issue
seems more related to numeric types, since they are so centered around
operations that involve assignment, as opposed to, say, a List, which
has some operators (ex. +=), but does not depend on them (ex. use
append() instead).


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