Thorsten Kampe a écrit :
> * Bruno Desthuilliers (Sat, 29 Sep 2007 19:17:43 +0200)
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
>>>I know nothing of Ruby, but just the fact that in Ruby the Hello World
>>>program is
>>>puts 'Hello, World!'
>>>whereas the Python Hello World program is
>>>print 'Hello, World!'
>>>suggests to me that Python is more intuitive because the word "print"
>>>has a meaning in English that makes sense given what you want to do,
>>>but "puts" just doesn't.
>>Hem.... Sorry, but it reminds me of the most clueless comments on Python 
>>I've seen on c.l.ruby. I really don't think Python is more or less 
>>"intuitive" than Ruby, and making a judgement on such a pointless detail 
>>is not even worth the bandswith IMHO. FWIW, 'puts' means 'put string' 
>>(implied : on stdout), which is certainly much more semantically correct 
>>than what 'print' implies.
> You missed the point.

Your opinion.

> "puts" for printing something to stdout

It's not "printing". To me, "printing" implies a printer and a piece of 
paper (or other appropriate support). It's sending bytes to some kind of 
cs abstraction known as a "stream".

But anyway... This is certainly enough to prove that "intuitive" is a 
*very* subjective qualifier.

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