En Tue, 02 Oct 2007 10:11:24 -0300, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribi�:

> Holden indicates that VS2003 is the current compiler used for the
> official Python distribution. Do you know how to use that program to
> compile an exe?

Open the program, press F1 and read the documentation provided by its  
vendor, Microsoft.

> I'm assuming the line "python setup.py bdist_wininst"
> isn't sufficient since it was an answer to my somewhat naive question.

Why not? As F.L. said, if the setup.py is properly built, doing so should  
compile and link all the required modules.
Note that it's not *required* to use Visual Studio to compile Python  
extensions; any decent compiler would do [provided it links against the  
same RTL as used by VS]

This recent blog post contains step-by-step instructions on using free  
tools to compile python extensions:  

Gabriel Genellina


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