Lawrence D'Oliveiro a écrit :
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Robert
> Kern wrote:
>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
>>> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Robert
>>> Kern wrote:
>>>> Not all of the modules in a package are imported by importing the
>>>> top-level package.
>>> You can't import packages, only modules.
>>>> os.path is a particularly weird case because it is just an alias to the
>>>> platform-specific path-handling module; os is not a package.
>>> os is a module, os.path is a variable within that module. That's all
>>> there is to it.
>> Yes, but os.path is also module. That's why I said it was a weird case.
> You can't have modules within modules. 

If you're talking about the filesystem representation (ie : .py files), 
you obviously can't have a file within a file, indeed.

When it comes to the internal runtime representation of modules in 
Python, then it's totally different - a module is just an object, that 
can of course be an attribute of another module object.

 >>> import os
 >>> type(os)
<type 'module'>
 >>> type(os.path)
<type 'module'>

> os.path isn't an exception--see
> below.
>> In [1]: import os
>> In [2]: type(os.path)
>> Out[2]: <type 'module'>
> On my Gentoo system:
>     >>> import os
>     >>> os.path
>     <module 'posixpath' from '/usr/lib64/python2.5/posixpath.pyc'>
> It's just a variable that happens to point to the posixpath module.

It's just a name bound to a module object.

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