> Windows timezone selector only lists about 80 timezones. But why force > the user to select timezone? Let them select from a list of countries > and then infer the timezone from that data. With multiple alternatives > for countries with more than one timezone, United States EST, United > States PST and so on.
> I think the problem is displaying a dropdown list of timezones. People > have little idea of how their timezones are called; it would be better > to list countries, which are many but nicely alphabetized, and map the > country to its only timezone, or for the few large countries with more > than a TZ offer a choice later. Thanks for the suggestions! 1. I am unable to understand how Windows manages with only 80 whereas pytz has 400. Understanding this can be a nice clue for my work. Any insights? 2. Mapping the timezones to countries is a nice idea. Any idea how to go about it - I mean whether I have to collect the data manually and do it, or some better way is available - will help me a lot. thanks Sanjay -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list