>> On Oct 8, 9:19 am, goldtech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> How did you learn Win32com?
>>> Other than the O'Reilly book, I've never found a lot of
>>> documentation.
>>> Trying to browse COM in PythonWin is tough - there's tons of stuff in
>>> there. I've never been able to find the Win32com classes, methods,
>>> usage examples when I browse COM in PythonWin.
>>> For example where is, shell.SHGetFolderPath and shellcon.CSIDL_DESKTOP
>>> officially documented?

Tim Golden wrote:
> FWIW, the pywin32 distribution itself also comes with a local
> .chm file. But aside from that, there have been several abortive
> attempts -- including by Mike & myself! -- to get some kind of
> online help going for pywin32, but nothing's really gained traction,
> and we've all got more interesting things to be doing...

To show willing :) I've added a howto on this subject to my
occasionally-updated list of Python win32 howto-s:


and a bonus, also from the shell area:


I usually manage to do a few of these at one go once I gather
momentum, so hopefully I'll add a few more in today or tomorrow.


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