> On Oct 10, 12:30 pm, Robin Kåveland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi there. I'm basically in the process of writing my first substantial
> > application in Python, and I've made a couple of (I'd like to say)
> > design decisions so it won't just be a jumble. So, I've divided my
> > program into three sub-packages, core, plugins and utilities.
> > The core will be needed for the program to be run, but I've put it in
> > a package by itself to make things more tidy.
> > The utilities will be things that are handy to have (I'm thinking
> > packages written by others that will make my work easier), but aren't
> > necessary for the program to run. I'm not sure if this is needed yet,
> > but I want to have the option in case it turns out to be useful.
> > The plugins will basically be a package with modules adding
> > functionality to the program, so to make it more extensible, and let
> > others have a very simple way of extending the functionality without
> > having to read a lot of source code and documentation. Adding a plugin
> > should be really simple, preferrably you shouldn't have to modify any
> > existing source, just put a .py file into the directory. This is where
> > I'm sort of stuck. Does anyone know a way I can achieve this?
> > This poses a couple of challenges for me, given the structure of my
> > project and that I have no clue about how to do it. I'm thinking here
> > that every plugin will have a main callable, which will recieve a
> > Request object which can be queried for information, and an Action
> > object which can be used to affect the state of the program to some
> > degree. These will ideally be very simple (And for the moment, they
> > obviously are).
> > What I want, is a moment to 'contact' every module in the plugins
> > package, and send these two objects to it's main callable. I also want
> > to add a way for the program to load and reload plugin modules on the
> > fly, so I can modify them without having to shut it down.
> > Does anyone have some links for me? Alternatively any ideas?
> > Thanks in advance.
> I've just completed the initial launch basically this kind of software
> framework. They way I did it was to parse xml files and load modules
> and classes dynamically. After instantiating the classes, I call a
> certain method that I expect to be present so that each class can
> register any functionality it provides with a central registry within
> the system. Overall, I've been very pleased with the way it turned
> out. It's very easy to add functionality to the system, you simply add
> an xml file along with some Python modules and you don't need to
> change any existing code. I can provide some examples for you if you
> like. Here's a little snippet from a Python script that loads modules
> and classes:
> def loadModule(moduleName):
>     """
>     Loads modules from within nested packages
>     Reload ensures Python code is re-compiled.
>     """
>     mod        = __import__(moduleName)
>     components = moduleName.split('.')
>     for component in components[1:]:
>         mod = getattr(mod, component)
>         mod = reload(mod)
>     return mod
> def loadClass(moduleName, className):
>     """
>     Load a class from a module.
>     Note: This does not create a class instance, it only loads the
> code.
>     """
>     module = loadModule(moduleName = moduleName)
>     c      = getattr(module, className)
>     return c
> You can try this out by passing in a string with with module and/or
> class path and see that the module and/or class. Note that loadClass
> does not create a class instance, so you'll have to instantiate it if
> you want to, like this:
> o = loadClass(modulePath,className)() #instantiates class that was
> loaded dynamically

Ah, fantastic! I didn't know about __import__, this is basically
exactly what I need. I think I will manage, thanks a lot!


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