I have tried to use os.system to run an application inside python on ms-window. 
However, the applicaion will grap the python and I could not do anything inside 
python shell unless I quit the application. Are there any way to avoid this? so 
I can still type command in python shell. Here is the command I used to open 
the editor:
os.sytem('gvim test.py')
After this command if I do not quit the gvim, I could not enter command in 
python shell.
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Launch file from Python> Date: Sun, 12 
> Aug 2007 17:44:48 +0000> To: python-list@python.org> > On Wed, 08 Aug 2007 
> 10:28:57 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > Good 
> afternoon from someone who is trying to learn Python.> >> > I would like to 
> launch an app from within a Python script. From the> > examples I have found, 
> I should be able to do this with os.system.> >> > I use this:> > 
> os.system("xplanet-1.2.0/xplanet.exe -fontsize 24 -label -target earth> > 
> -lat 33.65 -lon -84.42 -radius 40 -num_times 1 -tmpdir .")> > This is copied 
> directly from the .bat file that launches the xplanet> > app. It works 
> there.> >> > and get this:> > 1> > That means "error", as others noted.> > It 
> is odd that you get no printouts. Had this been on Unix, you'd> either get 
> "file not found" or similar from the shell trying to run> the thing, or 
> something from xplanet itself (only really badly> programs return failure 
> without prin!
 ting some kind of cause).> > Two more comments, assuming you are on Windows 
(you mention ".bat> files"):> > - You use the relative path 
xplanet-1.2.0/xplanet.exe. That should> require your program to have the parent 
of xplanet-1.2.0 as current> directory. Did the .bat script change directory 
first?> > - It is unusual to use / as a path separator on Windows --> 
xplanet-1.2.0\xplanet.exe is more normal. Some parts of Windows> tolerate both, 
others do not, IIRC. But Python itself should not> care in this case.> > 
/Jorgen> > -- > // Jorgen Grahn <grahn@ Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu> \X/ 
snipabacken.dyndns.org> R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!> -- > 
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