On 10/11/07, Luis Zarrabeitia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there.
> I just tried this test:
> ====
> def f(**kwds):
>     print kwds
> import UserDict
> d = UserDict.UserDict(hello="world")
> f(**d)
> ====
> And it fails with a TypeError exception ("f() argument after ** must be a
> dictionary"). I find that weird, as UserDict should support all protocols that
> dict supports, yet it doesn't seem to support ** unpacking. If instead of
> UserDict I use a derivate class from dict (class mydict(dict):pass), the **
> operator works as expected. It also works if I execute f(**dict(d)) instead.
> Is that behavior expected? Is there any reason (performance, perhaps?) to 
> break
> duck-typing in this situation?

Reported, accepted and closed 5 months ago:

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