> I should have mentioned, I am thinking about using a python framework,
> either django, turbogears, or pylons.
> I think these frameworks require a newer version of python, maybe 2.4.

I can't speak for the others, but I know Django can be deployed
with 2.3+ (though they offer some nicities if using 2.4).

> Also, I think some of them require a newer version of Apache - 2.0 or

mod_python requires Apache 2.x so if you're deploying with
mod_python, yes.  However, if you deploy with lighty+fastcgi,
it's moot what version of Apache you have. :)

> better. I also think these python frameworks all work with fastcgi,
> which - I think - is possible with hostmonster. Although fastcgi is
> acceptable, it is generally not the preferred solution.

The preferred Django deployment environments are

 - Apache + mod_python
 - Apache + FastCGI
 - lighttpd + FastCGI

> I do not think you will get reasonable performance with CGI, even if
> factcgi/mod_python/wsgi are not officially required.

No...with plain-ol'-CGI, performance is abysmal...the entire
framework would be reloaded for each request.  Possibly feasible
for development if you're patient and have nothing better, but
CGI is a generally bad idea.

> Also, I doubt you will find mod_python on any "standard" shared
> hosting. 

To get a python-framework environment, you usually have to get a
better hosting service as the need for mod_python or fastcgi
limits you to these hosting services.  That means no
bottom-of-the-barrel priced hosting services (which usually just
offer static pages, basic CGI, or PHP).

If one *must* use python in a CGI environment, I'll plug WebStack
(the author lurks here on c.l.p, IIRC) which does a nice job of
abstracting deployment environments so you can deploy to a
variety of targets with minimal fuss.  I have several projects in
the wild that use WebStack, before I found Django.



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