Hello Guys,


I'm looking for a little advice on spawning a sub process to run a command
line application for transferring a file over Bluetooth. Now the spawned
process runs from start to finish exactly as I would expect it too, however
its very slow. 


Now the main reason this is so odd, is that If I have my python application
running as usual, and I start the command line application manually myself
from the command line, then it'll transfer the file to my phone about 3 or 4
times faster than when the app is launch using sub process. Take a look
below for a quick snippet example of my process launch code.


send = 'ussp-push --debug --dev hci%s [EMAIL PROTECTED] /pblue/new/Media/%s %s' 
% (







process = subprocess.Popen(



stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stderr


Do you have any ideas what might be causing this slow behaviour? Do spawned
sub processes generally run at a much slower rate than expected? Or is this
something specific to my application?


I'd love to work this out as when transferring larger files this becomes a
real pain, especial when I know there is no real physical reason for it
running so slowly.


Thanks guys for any help you can offer.




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