In fact, whatever I do in "infoSystem" (modifiying style attributes of 
an object, change cursor appearance...), changes are only reflected
at the end of the function call ...

Salvatore a écrit :
> Hello,
> I encounter a display problem in one of my script
> ...
> ...
> def setValue(divid,data):
>     elt = document.getElementById(divid)
>     elt.innerHTML = data
> def infoSystem():
>     setValue("info","Please Wait")      #update div "info"
>     c = os.popen(cmdDisk%Server).read()
>     setValue('tabcentre',c)
> ...
> ...
> When I call 'infoSystem', the 'info' div
> is only updated at the end of the 'infoSystem' call.
> Did someone have an explication of that behavior ?
> Regards
> Salvatore

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