No issue with pygtk on mac!
Actually I develop on this platform everyday. Macport take care of the
installation for me (Fink should do the work
Of course native GTK on OSX could be nice but definitely not needed at
this point in time.


2007/10/13, Dave Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 2007-10-13, David Tremouilles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I would recommend pyGTK
> Native GTK on OSX is still in its infancy.  For early adopters only at
> this point.  See
> That leaves PyQt and WxPython as the only other realistic choices.
> Licensing issues aside, I think Qt has the most polished and well
> thought out API.  The OSX Tiger dev tools include WxPython, though you
> may want to install a newer version.  I suggest installing both and
> trying some of the included examples.
> Another possibility is Jython, if you like the Java way of doing
> things.
> Dave Cook
> --

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