Dan Stromberg a écrit :
> My implementation may or may not be lacking (feel free to improve it - in
> fact, please do!), 

Since you ask for it:

def makeprop(name):
     _name = '_' + name
     def fget(self):
         return getattr(self, _name, None)
     def fset(self, val):
         setattr(self, _name, val)
     return property(fget, fset)

class AutoPropType(type):
     def __init__(cls, clsname, bases, attribs):
         for name in cls._autoprops:
             if name not in attribs:
                 setattr(cls, name, makeprop(name))

class Demo(object):
     __metaclass__ = AutoPropType
     _autoprops = ('foo', 'bar', 'baaz')

     def __init__(self, foo, bar=42, baaz='ni'):
         self.foo = foo
         self.bar = bar
         self.baaz = baaz

d = Demo('yadda yadda')

 > but that's irrelevant to the heart of the matter, which
 > is "what you didn't think to plan for now most definitely can hurt you
 > later".

Ahem... Please let me know, Mr Professor, what difference it would make, 
from client code's POV, if we simply wrote this instead:

class Demo(object):
     def __init__(self, foo, bar=42, baaz='ni'):
         self.foo = foo
         self.bar = bar
         self.baaz = baaz

(snip more blah)

> Little hackish tricks for performance's sake scattered throughout a
> program are very wasteful of something more precious than CPU time.

Indeed. The point you're missing is that, in a language that supports 
computed attributes, using plain attributes when that's all you need is 
*not* a 'litlle hackish trick'. It's just common sense - and actually 
saves on *both* programmer's and CPU time.

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