On Sun, 14 Oct 2007 19:45:07 +0000, Lukasz Mierzejewski wrote:

> Let's assume that we have something like this:
> class One:
>       def fun(self):
>       return 1
> class Two:
>       li = []
>       li.append(One())
>       one = li[0]
>       print one.fun()
>       one2 = li.pop()
>       print one2.fun()
>       one3 = One()    
>       print one3.fun()

Indention is messed up here.  At least the ``return`` in `One.fun()`.  And
what is class `Two` meant to do?

> Only for 'one3' variable code completion is working fine (as expected it
> show fun()).
> For 'one' code completion shows something (but not fun()).
> For 'one2' code completion shows nothing :-(
> I use Eclipse 3.3.1 with PyDev 1.3.9 on Ubuntu 7.04.
> Can anyone confirm or deny this behavior of PyDev?

I can confirm and it's something I would expect.  It is obvious to *you*
that there is a `One` object in that list, but it would get very quickly
very complicated for an IDE to keep track of objects if not even

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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