On Oct 13, 2007, at 8:23 PM, Adam Atlas wrote:

> On Oct 13, 7:21 pm, John Velman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm considering moving from Linux to imac.   I've recently  
>> returned to
>> Python (was never very expert) to develop a small gui  
>> application.  At
>> present I plan to use PyGTK with Pango and Cairo.
>> What surprises may I be in for :-)
>> (Currently using slackware 11.0 on an old (8 years) slow (400mhz)  
>> machine.)
>> Thanks,
>> John Velman
> Well... I think OS X currently comes with Python 2.3 or 2.4. I
> recommend getting Fink (fink.sourceforge.net), which is basically a
> DPKG/APT repository for OS X plus an added system for automatically
> building packages from source. It'll keep the system up to date with
> the latest 2.5 release (and future versions).
> If you're using PyGTK, you will need to install Apple X11 (can't
> remember if it's installed by default yet), since OS X's window
> manager is not X11-based. Fink can also install GTK+, etc. for you.
> Other than that, most things should work as on Linux, more or less.

He doesn't need Fink for up to date Python version as os x binaries  
are available from the www.python.org.

Erik Jones

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