On Oct 16, 1:52 pm, fabdeb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi every one,
> I m a sysadmin who want to know how to use python.
> I dont know anything about oriented object programation, i only know
> bash and a little perl.
> I have some simple questions about python.
> the first: what is the differences between a function and a classe?
> In which case i should use a function ?
> In which case i should use a class ?
> The second: there is some pincipals gui toolkit: tkinter , Python Mega-
> Widgets, PyGTK, PyQt, FxPy, WxPy
> what are the advantages of each one, and in which case i use each of
> them?
> thanks by advance,
> Fabrice.witkowski

For functions see:


For classes see:


As for GUI toolkits, that is a contentious subject. The two major ones
usually mentioned here are Tkinter and wxPython. Others argue for
PyGTK and pyQT. I recommend to see the following links:


Tkinter and wxPython are the ones I've used and recommend, although
currently I use wxPython the most. Both are very much cross-platform,
although wxPython may have the edge when it comes to native look on
most platforms and it has more built-in widgets than Tkinter. You
should check them both out and see what you think.

As far as I know, they can be used for pretty much any GUI interface,
so I don't think you have to worry about use cases.



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