TG wrote:
> Okay, another one which I don't have answer for.
> it is the reverse case, sort of :
>> phi.shape (x,y)
>> d.shape (a,b)
> I want to return m :
>> m.shape = (x,y,a,b)
> with
> m[x,y] = d * phi[x,y]
> currently, my code is :
>> m = empty(phi.shape + d.shape)
>> m[:,:] = d
> this repeats the matrix d x*y times, which is what I want. But now, if
> I do :
>> m[:,:] = d * phi[:,:]
> in order to multiply each "d" by a specific value of "phi", it doesn't
> work.
> <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>: shape mismatch: objects cannot be
> broadcast to a single shape
> Right now I'm stuck here. If anyone can help, I would be glad.

Use broadcasting to get the desired behavior. It's a widely used feature of
numpy that takes some getting used to, but it is quite powerful. Here is some

It still references Numeric, numpy's predecessor, but the concepts are still
valid. Use the numpy.newaxis object to add new axes to phi and d in the right
places, then multiply them together:

In [8]: from numpy import arange, newaxis

In [9]: phi = arange(5*4).reshape((5,4))

In [10]: phi.shape
Out[10]: (5, 4)

In [11]: d = arange(3*2).reshape((3,2))

In [12]: d.shape
Out[12]: (3, 2)

In [13]: m = phi[:,:,newaxis,newaxis] * d[newaxis,newaxis,:,:]

In [14]: m.shape
Out[14]: (5, 4, 3, 2)

In [17]: m[1, 2]
array([[ 0,  6],
       [12, 18],
       [24, 30]])

In [18]: d * phi[1, 2]
array([[ 0,  6],
       [12, 18],
       [24, 30]])

In [19]: for i in range(phi.shape[0]):
   ....:     for j in range(phi.shape[1]):
   ....:         assert (m[i,j] == d*phi[i,j]).all()

In [20]:

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco


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