I'm writing this little Python program which will pull values from a
database and generate some XHTML.

I'm generating a <table> where I would like the alternate <tr>'s to be

<tr class="Even">
<tr class="Odd">

What is the best way to do this?

I wrote a little generator (code snippet follows). Is there a better
(more "Pythonic") way to do this?

# Start of Code

def evenOdd():
    values = ["Even", "Odd"]
    state = 0
    while True:
        yield values[state]
        state = (state + 1) % 2

# Snippet

    trClass = evenOdd()
    stringBuffer = cStringIO.StringIO()

    for id, name in result:
        <tr class="%s">
        (trClass.next(), id, name))

# End of Code


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