
I have a hopefully quick question about how to use Boost.Python to
export an Enum.
I am embedding python in C++ and am currently exporting my classes in
the following way:

nameSpace["OBJECT"] = class_<OBJECT>("OBJECT")
        .def("getType", &OBJECT::getType)
        .def("setSprite", &OBJECT::setSprite);

So following this, I assumed that when exporting an enum the following
should work:


while the above compiles, it causes the following run time exception:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'OBJECT_TYPE'

I took a look at the documentation and the only explanation I found
for enum appeared to be for extending python with modules. using the
following form:

        .value("red", red)
        .value("green", green)
        .value("blue", blue)


I COULD do the above, I would prefer the first method if possible. I
however do not know how to import the module if it is statically
linked because doing a simple import does not work and I am not
familiar enough with the boost.python library, Python C API, or Python
itself to know how to set it up. So My question is this:

How can I either make the first method of adding an enum work and not
throw the exception, OR once I create the BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE in an
embedded python c++ program how to I then import that module into my
embedded python?

Thanks in advance for any help



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