On Oct 17, 5:58 pm, Ixiaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> def bin2dec(val):
>     li = list(val)
>     li.reverse()
>     res = [int(li[x])*2**x for x in range(len(li))]
>     print sum(res)
> It basically does the same thing int(string, 2) does.
> Thank you for the responses!

BTW, here is the reverse function dec2bin, so that you can
bang your head on it for a while ;)

def baseN(number, N=2):
    >>> baseN(9, 2)
    assert 2 <= N <= 10
    assert isinstance(number, int) and number >= 0
    b = []
    while number:
        b.append(str(number % N))
        number /= N
    return ''.join(reversed(b))

       Michele Simionato


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